I am quite certain that coworkers rarely utter the following words: “I don’t like that person, she listens too much.” One of the most common complaints that people have about others is that they are ineffective listeners. How do you feel when others:-read their e-mail...
The Spiral Meeting by Merrick Rosenberg Have you ever been to a meeting that has spiraled out of control? You had an agenda. You defined a meeting leader and a scribe to take the minutes. You even had donuts (always a powerful draw to get people there). And yet, the...
Faster. Leaner. Every day, teams are challenged to do more with less…and I need it yesterday! Studies are showing that workplace stress has reached new heights and it’s fairly obvious to recognize that higher stress levels increase the possibility of mistakes at work...
I recently read an article that posed the question “is team building a waste of time?” In the article, one of the problems stated was that the exercises did not translate into their current project and issues. This is a key component when identifying the right team...
According to Verne Harnish in his bestselling book, “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits” regular daily meetings is crucial to a company’s success. Team Huddles are short 15-minute meetings where each team member shares their number one priority of the day and important...
When you’re in a conflict or confrontation it can be hard to think straight, making it hard to resolve the situation appropriately. Here’s a quick easy acronym to help: LEAF (Listen, Empathize, Action plan, Follow through) ListenA simple and perhaps obvious, but often...