CSI: NegativeZero

You’re on the case! Who Killed Victor Steele? How and why did they do it?

Does your team have what it takes to solve a high-profile homicide? In the CSI – NegativeZero team building program, participants learn CSI agent crime solving skills using a combination of real and comical crime fighting techniques.

Victor Steel, an actor on the TV show, NegativeZero, has been murdered. It is up to you to solve the crime. As new law enforcement recruits enrolled in CSI Boot Camp, you will earn clues by mastering crime solving skills.

Have you ever taped the outline of a body? In CSI – NegativeZero each team creates a crime scene that other teams need to decipher. It’s the perfect combination of the deadly serious and the seriously funny.

Once you’re sworn in as a CSI Agent, your team will use their new-found skills to solve a murder mystery.

Earn clues by lifting and matching real fingerprints, dust for prints, solve mini-cases, and complete an autopsy. Ever try to remove someone’s funny bone…you will at this team building program! Expect the unexpected. This challenging, competitive, and fun team building program is filled with hands-on activities.

Your team will:

  • Compete to solve a murder mystery.
  • Participating in hilarious team building activities.
  • Utilize fingerprinting, DNA analysis, and synthetic blood testing with police-quality materials.
  • Take real fingerprints – earn a clue.
  • Conduct “blood” analysis – earn another clue.
  • Conduct DNA analysis – earn another clue.

Look Out, Sherlock Holmes! The competition is here! Once you’ve completed all these hands-on team building challenges, can you put all your clues together to solve the Victor Steel case?

Participants in the CSI – NegativeZero team building program work together while improving communication and collaboration.

Check out our prize recommendations on our Team Builders Plus Store:

Program Stats:

Group size: 15-90
Program Length: 2.5-3 hours
Suggested Team Size: 5 is optimal, 3-6 is fine
Space requirements: one 60” round table per group
Program Location: Inside

What is the best team size?

We typically recommend teams of 5. However, teams of 3-6 can also work well. 7 or more people per team will not be as engaging for all of the participants.

Is it better to predetermine the members of the teams or randomly assign people to teams?

The answer to this question depends upon your goal for the session. Sometimes, participants are comprised of several teams from one department. In these cases, our clients tend to like to preset the teams so that people can interact with people they don’t work with on a regular basis. Other times, groups are comprised of a single team or department and randomly assigning teams works fine.

Who forms the teams?

We can randomize small groups on the spot, but for groups larger than 20 people, we recommend you form the teams ahead of time. If you are preselecting the teams, we suggest you disseminate this information to the participants either at the program or prior to the event. We do not recommend reading off of a list at the beginning of the program.

What is the typical length of the program, and is this flexible?

A typical program runs 2.5-3 hours. Due to the nature of the program, we do not recommend changing the timing.

How much set-up time is needed?

2.5 hours for most groups. We need to set up an entire crime lab.

We’re using our conference room all day. Can you set up during our break?

No. The set up is intricate and extensive.

What if you set up in another room and move it into the main room?

I’m sorry, this really doesn’t work. The materials are too easily messed up in the moving process.

What are the room requirements?

The ideal set up is 1 60” round table with linens and chairs for each team, 3 8’ rectangular tables for program supplies at the front of the room (for up to 10 teams), a screen, projector, sound system and microphone (for groups over 30 participants), and trash cans in each corner of the room.

What about prizes?

We typically play for Honor, Glory, and Bragging Rights. If you choose to go above and beyond that, we recommend keeping the prizes small. Anything more than a small gift certificate changes the program from happy, fun team building to nasty, cut-throat competition.

What is the best attire for this event?

Please warn people that one activity involves the floor so they can decide if they want to wear a skirt or not. Wearing a skirt is not out of the question, but people usually appreciate the warning. No one has to sit on the floor if they don’t want to.

Is this messy? Will we get dirty?

While this is typically not very messy, we do have a wide variety of cleaning supplies on hand just in case. We also provide rubber gloves.

Can this be done over drinks and appetizers?

We discourage this.

Can this be done outdoors?

Due to the delicate nature of the crime lab materials, we strongly discourage this.

How is the scoring done?

We have groups keep track of their scores based on the honor system throughout the event. The facilitator announces the winner of each event and groups keep track of their score on a score chart.

What’s the difference between scoring and debriefing?

Some groups just want to add up points and declare winners. Some groups also like to have a light debrief to talk about the experience and discuss strategy, obstacles, and tell stories. We can do either or both.

Can we do a serious debrief to have deep learning and work on long-standing issues in our organization?

That’s a different program.

Can we customize our CSI Program?

Unfortunately, no.

How much clean up time is needed?

We will have all of our supplies out within a half hour of the end of the program. If you can give us more time, we appreciate it.

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